Our Objectives
COVID-19 lockdown widely affected lives of people all over the world. Change in income, change in daily routines, frustration, loneliness, family conflicts, anxiety. This is a time to take a deep breath and adjust to changes. It's time to take care of ourselves and our loved ones.

As flight safety says, "Put on your own oxygen mask first before assisting others". Thus, before taking care of others we have to take care of ourselves. It sounds easy, but in fact it's difficult to follow through on a self-care routine.

The purpose of self-care is to restore your energy.

And the first thing you need to understand – that you worth giving your mind, body, and spirit what they need.
Our team aim at creating a valuable program for the people all over the world who currently having a tough times of isolation because of COVID-19.

In our program we provide mix of daily activities, guidance and ability to meet like-minded people.

We are happy to collaborate with experts in different fields to learn for you and constantly improve our online retreat program.
Everyday our international team work hard to make the program better and deliver:
We support you in self-care journey
Simplicity and Universality
Our program made for all, no matter of age, gender and faith. And you do not have to be super-athletic or super-educated to follow our practices
We don't stick to one practice - we offer MIX of different activities
Meet our International Team
We are happy to serach
the best practices and the most professional coaches for you
Founder of the Stay Home Retreat Project

Based in Singapore, the City of Lion and the City in the Garden. Experienced in Arts and Management. Enjoys life, working and raising of two children.
Born and raised in SAN Francisco, and currently based out of Singapore. With 10+ years as a Graphic/UX Designer, he is here to help you have a delightful digital experience
Based in Bali, Budi is your friend to your inward journey. Listens to you empathically & help you reveal the best in you out of this isolation time. The hard time has made him go deeper into himself and find clarity through reflection & meditation.
Social Media
If by any chance you see us on social media, it's mostly Dee's work! Based in the island of god she is a big fan of good coffee, food, and animal rescue especially Bali stray dogs and cats
Project Management
Based in Bangkok, eager to learn new things, re-skill. Like to meet new friends of different generations.
Based in Russia, traveled a lot in South Asia. Dedicated a big part of her life to India. Trying to connect people of different nations, cultures and religions. Interested in Marketing, Anthropology and Arts.
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